I drove Jack today and had a exceptional time. He is truly a marvelous car. For a first drive I think I did pretty well. I've been reading my driver manual day and night for the past day or two, and gee wiz it is embedded in my heart and mind forever!
Do any of you know how far to turn your signal on before turning? Or how many feet to stop before a railroad track if you're a chauffeur driver? What about driving on a road and seeing a "roadwork ahead" sign- Do you slow down and look for it, brake and be prepared to stop, drive the posted speed and look for the roadwork, or just look for the roadwork? Here goes the fun!
I believe 100 feet is the distance before the turn to turn on your signal. Is that still what they say?
Actually its's 200! And if you are going over 50 MPH it would be 300.
BTW I'll let you know when I am on the road.
when you're passing a car on the left while on a two way road you should:
A. Wave a freindly hello to your fellow driver
B.honk your horn and glare at them for speeding up
or C. be back to the right of the road whithin 100 feet of an approaching car.
I can't figure out which one is the answer!
all I would like to add is...that picture is definitely not Fort Wayne
Thank you for that Andy.
Beautiful choice of words.
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