Friday, March 24, 2006


What a weird day. Nice but not the usual...but then again when are my days ever the "usual"? I'm going on a three and something hour roadtrip to Versailles Indiana. To play keys and whatever else I might find to do...Quite honestly it is probably the farthest I have ever been with just Van and I. O me o my o my o me. changes are popping up all over the place and I will never be able to go back to a normal Friday night, with just a movie and popcorn...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

A weekend to contemplate

I went on our youth retreat this weekend, and it was the coolest! Two things were really neat: One: is that it wasn't all hyped up at all, but more of a coffee shop hang out enviorment. That kind of thing sits well with me, and speaks alot to me. Cause it's not the hyped up weekend conferences that change our lives, it's the every day living your life and obedience to Jesus where we change and mature etc... The second thing was: We prayed! We had the leaders praying over all the youth and speaking prophedic words over us, it was so encouraging! Prayer is one thing I just love doing with my Youth Group. So thanks Ben, Andy and the rest! Ya'll come back now ya hear?

Happy findings

Congratulations for finding my blog! I hope you will be inspired as you read this. I don't have anything very intellectual to say quite yet. So I will start out with a marvelous quote by Helen KellerWe could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world."