Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Just call them "The Water Songs"

Lately I have been in such a music mood! Vanessa and I got inspired when Ben's brother and his band "Rend the heavens" came into town and played his original songs(with great style!) It made me want to write more songs...It was fantastic! I haven't really started anything new yet though...Mostly Vanessa and I are finishing a lot of the songs that have been stuck on the "shelf." It actually feels really good to complete them...A great accomplishment. The funny thing is, we were thinking about all the songs we've written in the past year or two, and quite a lot of them have something to do with water! We hadn't really even realized it but there's
  1. "Let everything be washed away" Add Image
  2. "Who is thirsty"
  3. "Waters pouring out"
  4. "she's my beautiful bride and she is white, she is washed in the blood of Jesus Christ"
  5. "Healing will flow like water poured out"
It makes me laugh! What is it with our fascination with water?! The David Crowder band, Delirious, and Rend the heavens are great inspirations for writing creatively. I haven't listen to The David Crowder band a lot, but with the few songs I've heard, they are immensely creative with their lyrics and music, and it challenges me to think outside the box. Same with Delirous...Rend the heavens....I love their piano.


Larisa said...

Sounds creative! I like it.

Larisa said...

Or better yet, "Songs of endless water"