Monday, April 03, 2006

Don't say anything

Hey All. It has been a long while since I have posted! I assume you all have heard the phrase "If you don't have anything good to say, then say nothing" well I'd have to claim that phrase as my own right now. I mean I have good things going on and good things to say, but nothing I would like to share with you. Sorry. Ok now I am rambling...But this is better than nothing right?...Or should I just say nothing....


Anonymous said...

I have found writing to be a discipline. Sometimes I write because I feel like I have something to say. Other times, I just write just because it's something I need to keep doing, even when I don't feel inspired.

Larisa said...

Very true! I have recently started jurnaling with pen and paper more, and found that it really helps to take the load off and to just put my thoughts down... I think it makes me wiser.